Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Wherein Comments go "Boom" and I Pitch a Charity to You Folks

First site stuff. Because no one ever comments here, the comments are now hidden. If you want to comment on something written here, click on the link to the forum and sign up. We have lots of fun areas (we even have a place to talk about History, Myth and Culture).

So, here's a plug for something a bit more serious that normal; Child's Play. It's a great charity, and it should be noticed by people who are gamers, but even more so by people who aren't; it is the brainchild of two gamer geeks who run the site Penny Arcade. So, if you have some extra money somewhere this holiday season follow that link above and donate to Child's Play. Cause let's face it, you'd want sick kids to have a good christmas, and what better way than to show that christmas spirit. Feel like Santa!

"He brought everything back, all the food for the feast. And he, he himself, the Grinch, carved the roast beast."

Friday, December 16, 2005

Land of the Free . . . . .

At least for a while longer. The Senate rejected the reauthorization of certain powers contained in the Patriot Atc. All I can say is "hell yeah" to that, considering that I am an artist and enjoy freedom and whatnot. So yeah, I'm hoping the government pisses around their time and that most of the provisions of that act will die at the end of the month.

Screw Big Brother.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

So, Are you a Ninja Elf or a Pirate Dwarf?

This is just about the funniest thing I've seen. So, what do you think you are?

Monday, December 12, 2005

Oh Shits

I think some people at Disney need to die. Why you might ask? Well, it just so happens that they've decided that Christopher Robin needs to be replaced by a tomboy girl.

What the hell? I mean what the hell. These are classic characters, not Disney's personal menagrie to fuck with. They can do whatever they want with Mickey, Donald, Goofy and the rest, but dammit this is A. A. Milne. Just screw them.

However, it looks as if Kingdom Hearts 2 should rock. Then again, with Squeenix helping out, how could it not be good (ignore the whole SaGa series).

"It's against my will."

Xmas, Xmas, time is near....

Bah fucking humbug.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

A little comic downtime

As you may have noticed the comic has not been updated for some time now, well no worries we are still vigilantly working on it. However as with anything new my brother and I are trying to work out some of the kinks in the making/updating system that will allow everyone to have more OOC more often (I.E not every two weeks or so as is common now). So hang tight and I apologize for the lack of updates currently, especially to those of you who count on our comic for your weekly dose of "the funnies".

In other news (yes this will be a long post) WE HAVE A FORUM you see that link up there that says forum? That isn't just for show, so come and sign up, find your place amidst the flock of geeks that currently inhabit the boards you'll be happier for doing so (I sort of guarantee it . . . sort of).

So in other happy news both my brother and I will be uncles in about 7 months or so and even though I despise children with every bit of my deuterium core I am finding myself "stoked" at the prospect. Although I can't help worrying for my future niece/nephew, knowing who my sister is I am just sure that her children will end up looking like this and if I have a niece the female counterpart of this picture. As a disclaimer (mainly for my own safety as soon as my sister sees this) I think that she will do a wonderful job being a mother, and my brother-in law will do a fantastic job being a father so I'm sure that my little niece/nephew has their future secure (but seriously did you see that picture? I mean dude, come on)

So I think that is enough of an update for now, and being that I just found my screenname and password again I will try to post here a little more often, so for now take it easy.

Ty himmelen förblir svart och röd,
ur askan och elden
Stiger vi än en gång fram,
vi från de svarta bergen

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Merry Whatever (And old Jedis Never Die)

And a happy whatever too! It's that time, that Holiday/Yule/Christmas/etc time of the year. That means presents!

(So, what are you all getting us?)

Anyway, I thought I'd wish everyone a holiday of happiness.

So, today I saw Alec Guiness' doppleganger. That's right, my wife and I went to JoAnn Fabrics, and upon entering our car once done with the store, we spy and old man in the car in front of us. I mean there he was: Obi Wan frickin' Kenobi. He looked almost just like him.

In a situation that is not completely off topic, I need a camera.

"I'll buy you a hat, a really big one, Commodore."

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

I thought I'd wish everyone a happy thanksgiving. Anyone who continues to look at the site, however mundane it is, and to support us has my thanks. It seems only yesterday I asked to help Dave with his site, and now we have a growing forum, a comic, and a group of people who have started responding in a wonderful way to what is essentially two guys messing around on the net.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Comic updated, sort of. . . .

New comic. Kinda behind. Trying to catch up. So yeah, number 8 comic is up.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Harry Potter

OOoo yay! My mobile posting worked! Well kinda. It actually posted twice AND save a copy as a draft. But whatever, now whenever I have a post worthy thought I know I can just whip out my phone and post away!! So went and saw Harry Potter last night. It was good. I don't know if I'd say it was the best yet, but it was good. Parts of it just felt to me like they had cut a little too much out of it and jumped from scene to scene a little too quickly. If you haven't read the book (which you really should have done if you consider yourself geeky enough to even be on this site) then you probably won't notice anything missing. My only real concern with the movie is that it's a little TOO dark visually in a couple of spots, and made it a bit confusing as to who was who. There were also a few points where i didnt feel the sound quality was all that great and had some difficulty understanding what was being said. Oh and for some reason my theatre didn't show the fucking Superman trailer. Now THAT pissed me off.

Friday, November 18, 2005

so im driving...

so im driving as i write this. well sitting in traffic mostly with some movement in between. and as i was sittin i thoug ht of the site and how i dont update often. when im at my computer im usually readin forums or on wow. and when i do try to update here i blank out and dont know what to write. then i remembered that blogger supported mobile browsers and since i have a nifty new fone and pay for internet on it i figured id give it a try.... IM GOING TO HARRY POTTER W0000000000000000

Monday, November 14, 2005


After a large amount of help from my friend, helper, forum moderator and all around great person Rachel "Janson" Brown, The site looks better than good! Hopefully, with her help, all those 3 people out there viewing this site can now see it properly, even if they're using Firefox. :)

Also, if anyone has the "Anagram" font on their computer, they see a different font for the links at the top of the page. Anagram is the font used for the HD logo and I thought it would be somewhat appropriate if those who have the font could see it used.

Well, off to work on the comic.


"You're breaking my heart, Ani!" - single worst line in Star Wars: Episode III

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Css: Also Kind of a Pain ;)

Because the formatting doesn't look right now. I will have to figure out what's wrong. The comic will, of course, be late. Nothing new, really. Hold on tight while we continue on.

CSS: The Wonders of the Intarweb

Everything should be formated now in the same way. It's all CSS. It's pretty.

Love me now.

PHP for the comic comes later. Now comes schoolwork.

Friday, November 04, 2005

What Can I Say

I like kicking people in the nuts, Dave.


I haven't been able to play WoW for like 2 weeks. Thanks for reminding me. =(

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Getting Better By Getting Worse

I'm sorry there is no comic update on time. I'm sorry that I have been busy, and I'm sorry that, while I try and juggle school, web work, and trying to get a paying job, Dave sits there and plays WoW. Anyway, comic updated. When I have the time, #8 will be up. also, when I have time there will be a php page in place for the comic, and the site will be layed out completly in CSS. Until then, it's mostly in CSS.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

still no comics.....

Its WED night now.... there was a comic due up yesterday and another tomorrow.... anyone up for some friendly wagers as to when they actually will appear...?? and have you noticed that the comic page is the only on with a broken banner on it..?? somebody's slackin'.. but thats nothing new.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Comic Troubles

The comic will be up twice this coming week because I did not update it last week. My wife was sick, we were stranded away from Photoshop, what can I say. Tuesday and Thursday will be the update days.

Monday, October 17, 2005

The Comic is Up, and . . .

Dave, out of the goodness of his heart, has bought us a php enabled server with more of everything. Soon, the comic will be on auto-update, and we already have a new forum hosted on our new server. No Ads, and now we can make it look all pretty. Woohoo! Things are looking up!

In recent news, R.A. Salvatore's newest book, Promise of the Witch King (Not that Witch King, Tolkien fans) is due out on the 25th of this month, October 2005. He's traveling around doing signings; check his website to find out if he'll be close to you at any point.

On Anime, the first volume (read: boxed set) of the anime Twelve Kingdoms came out last month, the second volume comes out November 15th. This anime is a fun but story-heavy show, and features a very interesting take on the myths of the orient. Also, Rune Soldier just came out in a boxed set. This is a great anime that anyone who likes the RPG/Swords and Sorcery type of anime should grab, and at only $40 it's a great deal. It's more geared towards humor and action, just so you know.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Fixing the site

Please hang with us.

what's happening here...

Wow we were doing pretty good there for a while... frequent updates... comics posted on time... forum activity... wtf happened?!
Ah well such is life. The comic should continue to be posted on time. At least as far as I know.. haven't heard that it WOULDNT be on time anytime soon..
The forums may be coming down or being locked sometime this week. It will be a temporary thing. We will be changing forum servers, and might lose the existing content. Well it will still be there, we just wont be adding anythig more to it. I dont know if we can manually move everything to a new forum or not. Our 13 members may have to register again.
More info soon....

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

That's 5 Comics, Ah Ah Ah Ah . . .

Well, the fifth one is up, and only one day late this time. Darn it all. I'm getting better though. ;)

Not much else to say here, right now.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Squeenix Rocks

So, Squeenix, lifeblood of all that is, has 2 new games coming out. First, Romancing Saga:

And the Other is Dragon Quest VIII:

Follow the links, my fellow Roleplaying game afficianados.

Monday, October 03, 2005

The Comic

Will be up Wednesday.

Cause I'm like that.

Sorry to all those wh depend on this comic alone for your daily laughs (all five of you).

Friday, September 30, 2005

I Know

The Forums are screwy right now. if I could fix it myself, I would. If we had a PHP server, it wouldn't be a problem, but seeing as how that costs money, it seems we are in the hands of the fools who run the free site that moderates how well the sites run.

Eventually, we will have our own boards, and then life will be sweet.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Comic

Is up. That is all. I am sick. Hope for my speedy recovery.

(Note: it has been up since Monday)

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Sam and Max

Just a quick update, Sam and Max seem to have found new life after Lucasarts killed the sequel they were going to make. Read the full story at the Edge magazine site. I, for one, am quite happy about this news, and considering Scott Ramsoomair's love of and vehment anger at the events surrounding said sequel's death, I forsee something to be said on his site fairly soon.

Edit: he already said something about it last week. Silly me.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Prerequiste Updates

Well, the comic is now two weeks old. Yay for the comic. I already have at least one person asking for more than one update per week. All I can say is I'll see how it goes. I've also seen at least one request for a bit more info into the characters, and all I have to say is wiat for now. it would spoil some of the drive to go on in the story if you all knew what was going on.

I am worth $1,409,200 on HumanForSale.com! And you all thought I was worthless.

So school is starting again, for many people (all the people I live with and me). You ever get that wierd anticipation when waiting for some thing like this to happen? Like you want it to happen, but you aren't sure if you really do? I sure do.

Portland has the most intersting and fun layout of most any city I've been in for an extended period of time. Considering that this would include Spokane Washington, Ritzville Washington and Lacey Washington, I guess I shouldn't be so enthralled but I am. One thing about me, I seem fairly easy to impress that way. Simple shop I wanted to go in to, and then I realize it's connected to a mall. now, I'm not usually a fan of malls, but this one was just too cool. it had fountains, some interesting shops, and the best food court I've seen. Not only that, but the toy shop in it had a numbered collector's replica of Han Solo frozen in carbonite on display.

Ok, so maybe that's what impressed me, but still. . .

Monday, September 19, 2005

I Come Back to You Now, At the Turn of the Tide. . .

So the second comic is up, I hope that you enjoy it and if not you can do one of two things. 1. Go fuck yourself 2. Wait, we're still new at this and are bound to get even better with time, now if you do enjoy it, thank you I already know that I am a god. So, on to bigger and better amusements if anyone enjoys movies that reads this page it may behoove you to go here looks pretty damn awesome in my oh so humble opinion. Let me see, what else can I talk to my adoring public about, how about my own very humble music project and it's current progress. The name being of course Salmon Carcass, and it's intention being to mock brutal death metal music completely and utterly. I currently have 3 songs written lyrically and intend to use a music program that has recently been made available to me to write corresponding songs. Past that I have 3 or 4 more songs to write completely and then all I have to do is get some other instrumentalists to assist me. I may comment on the progress of this little known project of mine at later times so stay tuned. Oh, and just for Dave Whitaker's sake, you still owe me a twinking axe, boy.

Griper hård på en mäktig hammar.
Ut för svaga kristna blod.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Grimm Indeed

The brothers Grimm is a movie for those of us that remember our fairy tales, but don't mind seeing them toyed with. Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel, And even parts of Snow White are all thrown together to create a movie worth at least a rental. The acting is poor, but then again it was not seemingly intended to be good; perhaps cheesy would be a better word than poor. The effects are not "great" either, though they are fun. Perhaps that is the best way to address this movie, fun but not real. If you expect Lord of the Rings you'll not get it; if you look for a fun, sometimes grisley movie, it will be an entertaining for you.

I give it the arbitrary rating of 5 out of 7.5 grim endings. (Since this movie has a happy ending, it seems.)

Of HTML Accidents and Updates

It is best, when updating, (it is always best) to make sure all links point in the correct direction.

After saying that, the Comic is up! It will be updated weekly, on Mondays. My oversight should be forgiven, as it was my first year anniversary yesterday.

The forum for the comic is now open.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Sept 5th my ass.

Well the day has come and gone. And lo and behold! NO COMIC. What a lazy fuck.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Parenting in the Video Game World

For those people who think that their gameplaying will never be upset by their stuff, non-gameplaying parents, this should be proof enough that not all parents are "boring". I just pity these two for their instant popularity, but it does well to show the people who think games are for kids that they are more and more becoming a cross generational arena.

Monday, August 15, 2005


So there I am, standing on the dock in Menethil Harbor, waitin for a boat to take me back to Auberdine. I'm tired, my armors destroyed and my bags are full. I'm ready to sell all the crap I picked up, fix my armor and log off. As I'm standing there i notice a 'young' Night Elf also waiting for the boat. I'm thinking im going to do a good deed and whip this n00b up a decent set of armor while we sail. So I inch in a little closer to inspect his current equipment. Then all of a sudden he moves in real close to me, and a party invite pops up. Ok...
"Hey", I say.
"we're a little mismatched for a party here arent we?"
What the fuck...? Did I log into World of AOL here or something? So I, being the oh so clever kid I am and having just hit level 24, reply, "24 M Ironforge"
"19 M .... are you bi?"
"uhm.. nah..."
"oh I am"
::Tennisteen (I shit you not) has left the group::


Hmm. So i've been asked... and bugged.. and harassed... and downright TOLD to do some game reviews. And I've tried. I really have. Sorta. But, as in many other aspects of my life (like in my pants), I've fallen short of expectations. The way I see it is this. There are many other places on the internet to get game reviews. All done by people who are far better at it than me. People who will dazzle you with their knowledge and thoughts on framerates, and graphics filtering thingamabobs, and analysis of computer AI and stuff. How can I compete with that? My reviews consist of "this game looks like shit" and "my cock is more responsive than the controls on this turd." Hell just go look at my 2-sentence movie "reviews". Do we really want to see more of that?

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Best Laid Plans

Hopefully, before anyone stumbles on to this, the site will be fixed. You think you've done everything, and then the side links remind you about targets. . . .

Anyway, the site look is slightly changed. Again. I added more buttons, a link to a forum, a very small About and Faqs page, and some formating using CSS, so that now our entire site is formated by it (more or less).

Now I'm going to go see how this auto updater works for the comic . . .

Monday, August 08, 2005


Didnt I have a forum before? And I had what? 6 members? over 2 years?? And hell no one uses the comments section on here, why would they use a message board? Anyways. honkydorky.ezforum.org Now quit fuckin with me, I'm tryin to kill Horde.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Your Doom is Near at Hand

For within the month the comic will start. All I really need are the scripts, and we'll be in business, as I'm finishing up cells as we speak (type?).

This is also my official way to bug Dave:

Hey Dave,
I'm bugging you to look into checking out PHPBB for a way to get a forum.

Thanks Lots,

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Not on WoW ALL the time....

Just every waking moment that i'm not working. On my second day of playing, my 'main' server crashed. So I was forced to start a second character on another server. And then Devon told me he had started a second character on yet another server. So I joined him there as well. So now I have 3 character that i'm juggling, with plans for at least one more on my main server. So far I've only dipped into the alliance side of things. I'll stick with that for a while before I go 'Horde'.
OK time to go. I've got wolves to kill and skin!

Monday, July 25, 2005

David' Mature Response to Dave's New Addiction.


(Also, Dave, if you read this, we must talk of website things. Format, etc. Which means you have to not be on WoW all the time. We also might use a review of the game in our reviews section.)

Sunday, July 24, 2005


Once again I have found myself drawn into the vicious world of the Fantasy MMORPG. It's been over a year and a half since I cancelled my accounts for Everquest, Dark Age of Camelot, Final Fantasy, Sims Online, and Star Wars Galaxies. My soul thanked me. Since then I eagerly signed up for, and still play semi-regularly, City of Heroes. Since it's a superhero game, and superheroes would fuck up dwarves and elves anyday, it's okay for me to play it. I also bought Guild Wars, but it doesnt have a monthly fee, so it doesnt count. =) But today is a dark day. The temptation has been gnawing at me stronger and stronger. I've passed it in stores. Read reviews of it online. Even checked out it's official forums once or twice. Or twenty. Then while watching a 'Cheat!' marathon on G4TV, I finally snapped. I called up Devon to confide what was eating my soul alive. Then he confided back that he was watching the same thing. And the same evil was flowing through his veins. And so it was done. We now play World of Warcraft. May God have mercy.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Gaming News

--Well the mainstream world has finally discovered "Hot Coffee". The GTA:San Andreas minigame was discovered very shortly after the release of the PC version of the game and immediately after that found accessable in the PS2 and XBOX versions.Thanks Rockstar. Now we aren't only nerds, we're desparate nerds who need a Game Shark to get laid.
--PSP firmware version 2.0 will be out very soon. This will add an offical web browser as well as even more anti-homebrew security measures. Fuck you Sony. I'll stick with my PSP 1.5 and the hundreds of NES/SNES games I have on it. Hmm and whats this I hear? The PSX/PSOne emulator is coming along rather quickly? Test games are already working on it? Ahh yes, now we can fuck Sony back.
--A WHITE PSP??? But it only comes with version 2.0 firmware?? Fuck you again Sony.

The Funny

The first strip is done Dave. I intend on having 3 more done before I mess with uploading them. That way I have a cushion of time to continue making them, since the current idea is to update every week. If you would be so kind as to create a navigation menu (first, previous, next, last) in html, or find a navigation that strikes your fancy, I'll get making with the pretty buttons for it.

Guess what word I'm thinking about, and it's not kitty.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Oh for fuck's sake! My humble little corner of heaven is being invaded by Kruppkake's!!! AHHHHH Whats next!??! Mrs. Kruppkake chiming in here soon?? Hmmm that might not be so bad. Might bring a sense of order to this place. After all she does wear the pants in that house... HAHAHA.. Anywho... Damn boy you use some big words there. My head hurts now... Where the hell are the funny pictures at?!?!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Hello there.

Hello all, I am David's brother and I am also in charge of "producing the funny" as it were for the web comic. I will regularly be posting to coincide with the release of each web comic so that I can blither on about the reasoning behind any one comic. I will also try and post about things that interest me or music of some sort if I see fit to do so. This is all I realy can do seeing as how I am fairly well inept regarding html and other computer related scheise. So to put it succinctly you will be hearing (or reading rather) more from me in the future.

Vi som har det iskalla trollblodet!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

More New Stuff

The "Links" page is updated. People with a resolution of lower than 1024 x 768 can now see the site easier with a link that shows up at the bottom of the blog page. Also, there have been some changes in the code that you will see, only not. :)

Now I shall go back to the comic work.


Friday, July 15, 2005

Looks good.

Holy shit!!! THREE updates in one week!! The site changes looks great, as always. A couple of dead links, but nothing that can't be easily fixed. My only concern is the 'disclaimer' leading to your art page. Why on earth are you apologizing for some artistic nudity? Hell, we should change the banner to reflect it! HONKYDORKY.COM--NOW WITH BEWBIES!!!! If that doesnt get us some traffic, nothing will!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Tada! A New Template!

This is the base template for the site. It is the site as it has been waiting to be created for a while now. Now all that remains is the comic, and possibly some room for banners for adds. Welcome to the new site!

A note to Dave: we might try to get a forum. I have left room for a forum button on the navigation. Tell me what you can do!

You! You're working for them aren't you? I'll give you anything you want! Money, Women. . . Men?

Sunday, July 10, 2005


Ok so I saw Fantasic 4, one of two movies I was really looking forward to this summer (the other being Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, coming out this week). What a fucking letdown. This is no Spidey flick, true believers. But, thankfully it's not another Daredevil either. And of course, the movie I didnt want to see, Batman, has gotten nothing but rave reviews. I'll try to go and see for myself in the next week or so.

Friday, July 01, 2005


Now I just need to know how you did it so I don't fuck it up once I update the sidebar (this weekend).

Also, the comic is going along well. once we have 4 or 5 full strips done, I will post up the first one. It will be once a week until I figure out just how much of a drain on time it will be.

Stay tuned!

You two, fight to the death!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

fixed it.


I fixed the links page so they properly open... and you only asked for that like 2 months ago.. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME..!?!?!?

Monday, June 20, 2005

Yes I Am Back

And so are you, I see. Yet the pages are still not archiving. Can you tell me why they are not archiving? Can you? HUH?

Of course, I have not fixed up the sidebar, but unless we figure out a way to archive stuff, it makes no sense to start the comic, or a new "reviews" section.

C'mon Dave, stop doing that thing you call "work" and get on the ball! ;)

(The above text is mostly said in a joking tone. Mostly.)

Friday, June 17, 2005


Yay, you're back! Let's have a party! We can get ballons and and and party hats and and and a cake and and and oOoOoo presents!!! i LOVE presents!!! yAAAAAy...!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Well, I'm Finally Back

But it seems our esteemed webmaster Dave has pulled a Houdini and vanished. No matter. I'm sure no one reads what we've posted here anyways.

My brother has moved in with me, so the comic is forthcoming. I will add the links to the side for the review page along with a link to my new account on deviantART.com.

That's all for now.

Monday, May 30, 2005

are you fucking serious?

It's taken us 4 months to find out there are no archieves? Our adoring fans failed to point this shit out to us? and where the fuck are you going for the next week? Luckily for us all I am here to save the day! be back in a week or so...

Thursday, May 26, 2005

"It's Not My Fault"

A Very quotable line from Star Wars, and a very good reaction to any of our 4 readers who wish to point out to me that I promised an update to the buttons you see directly on the left-hand side of the screen. It was my plan to perform this feat last weekend, but it got delayed and I was going to do it today. Now I will not be around until the 6th of June concerning matters best left till another time, if you really care at all. I will be back, there will be an update, and I even have one more addition now that it has taken this long.

While I am gone, if Dave happens by our site, it would be great if he perchance were to look into the fact that our previous blogs are not in fact archiving, and that i have no idea how to archive the comic when it commences. Theses are things I need Dave to look into, as I am busy as all heck.


Tuesday, May 24, 2005


I love movie previews. I could sit and watch them all day. Just some brief notes on previews I've seen recently at Star Wars and Hitchhiker's Guide.
Chicken Little- I've found myself drawn into their ad campaign, mimicking other movie trailers. I doubt i'll actually go to a theatre to watch this, but I'm sure I will watch it at some point.
War of the Worlds- Eh. Something bad is happening in this trailer. Something that will change the world. OoOoOo. Pass.
Stealth- W...T...F...
Batman Begins- I was looking forward to seeing this. But the last preview and the preview shown after the last Smallville have totally turned me off. I like my Batman fighting the Joker and Riddler and playing with his cool toys. Not being the new Karate Kid training in Tibet. At least we finally learn just why Batman is such a badass. He was trained by a Jedi Master.
Fantastic 4- I really had no desire to see this at all. Felt like another Hulk or Daredevil waiting to happen. But the new trailer has made a believer out of me. I still think the Thing looks like a giant turd, but the rest of the team looks great. The effects look great and from the trailer it looks like it will be a good blend of action and comedy. Hopefully it will follow in the footsteps of Spidey and the Xmen. This is Marvel's First Family, they deserve a decent flick finally, not the crap like Marvel pumped out for their afore mentioned second stringers.

Friday, May 20, 2005

The End of a Saga

It was a good end too. All the big plot points were hit, as Dave said; and he is right, don't think you know the whole story without seeing, or at least having someone detail the major points of this movie. Lucas actually had me wishing Anakin wasn't so dead set on becoming a Sith, and Obi Wan developed more into the character who he will eventually be. Most of the other characters were good; JarJar was mercifully silent, Bail Organa was well acted, if a bit under-used, and Yoda has many character building scenes. Some of the characters could have definitely used more screen time, mainly some of the characters from the originals who had what amounts to cameos in this one. Padme and her sceens could have been cut down considerably, I don't care if Natalie Portman is "hot" or whatever. The woman simply cannot act or she was not given lines that she felt were believable, though I think it to be a bit of both. On the whole though, I will most likely go see this again in the theater, and will most likely pick up the other earlier ones. Just for kicks and giggles.

Both this and the post below will be moved into our section for reviews this weekend.

Better than the first two...

Well I went into episode 3 with very low expectations, as opposed to the way i had hyped myself up for episode 1. I'm glad to say that my expectations were met and even exceeded. Storywise, I wont really say anything, as everyone knows going into the film what plots points must be achieved here and what questions must be answered. Granted there were a few unexpected hints and revelations that ever so slighty filled out the story.
I can believe that Obi-Wan will become the grizzled old hermit introduced 28 years ago. The part was played quite well. And this time around I hated Anakin for the reasons we are actually supposed to hate him for as opposed to the reasons we've hated him for the last 6 years.
Good film, might see it again in the theatre, definitely will pick up on dvd.

Rebellion > Republic

Monday, May 16, 2005

The Final Episode

My wife and I have tickets to the opening of the final Star Wars movie, Revenge of the Sith. I will tell you how it was (with as little spoilers as possible) when I have seen it. Woohaa!

This brings me to a new point. At the behest of nothing so great as my own desires there will soon be a few more links and additions to the site. The first will be a review of various "dork" media that Dave and I have sampled. My first will be of the new Star Wars movie, and I'm sure that Dave would love to tell all our readers (all 4 of you) what Guild Wars is like. We'll start up reviewing movies that are gone to, new games that we play, with some amount of infrequency. The second addition will be a link to my newly created accout on deviantART. My work, once I have digitized, sized and fiddled with it, will be up for display, and even for purchase as prints in the not too distant future. As for the comic, I have been working ever so diligently (read: sketching) at it, and as my partner-in-crime brother will soon be joining me in my current abode, the comic will come to fruition some time within a month. Then all I have to do is figure out a way to archive the dang thing. Think about it readers, I'll finally have to do some art.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

A Void of Endless Nothingness

Otherwise known as HD.com; that's right, we have zero in the real content category. So help us fix this. Anyone who comes here, please hit the "comments" button below this entry and tell us, what would you come here to see? Besides the flailing attempt at a web site by two really big geeks, that is.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Math--Sad but true...

this is a copy of an email i was sent. The end is cut off a bit but you'll get the idea.

>Last week I purchased a burger for $1.58. The counter girl took my $2
>and I was digging for my change when I pulled 8 cents from my pocket
>and gave it to her. She stood there, holding the nickel and 3 pennies,
>while looking at the screen on her register.
>I sensed her discomfort and tried to tell her to just give me two
>quarters, but she hailed the manager for help.
>While he tried to explain the transaction to her, she stood there and
>Why do I tell you this?
>Please read more about the "history of teaching math":
>Teaching Math In 1950
>************************ A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100.
>His cost of production is 4/5 of the price. What is his profit?
>Teaching Math In 1960
>************************ A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100.
>His cost of production is 4/5 of the price, or $80. What is his profit?
>Teaching Math In 1970
>************************ A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100.
>His cost of production is $80. Did he make a profit?
>Teaching Math In 1980
>*********************** A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100.
>His cost of production is $80 and his profit is $20. Your assignment:
>Underline the number 20.
>Teaching Math In 1990
>************************ By cutting down beautiful forest trees, the
>logger makes $20. What do you think of this way of making a living?
>Topic for class participation after answering the question: How did the

>forest birds and squirrels feel as the logger cut down the trees.
>(There are no wrong answers.)
>Teaching Math In 2005
>************************El hachero vende un camion carga por $100. La
>cuesta de production es

Thursday, April 28, 2005

A Brand New Look

I have given the site yet another work of my art! The sidebar buttons are spiffy even.

Speaking of spiffy and art, I may put up some of my art here, if Davey lets me. Tell us what you think (all 3 of you). Should I use this as a place to whore my art?

Monday, April 25, 2005

Wordstock Was A Bust

And not the kind you are all thinking of, sickos.

We met a nice author that my wife has met before. Other than that, nothing good to report, at least for the first year of this event.

I guess greasy nerds just make events better.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

A General Lack of Efficiency

IF you visit this little slice of heaven, you may noticed that we don't do a whole heck of a lot here. That is because, as web space goes, this site is still in it's infancy. Once this place gets up and moving, we'll be in business. But unfortunalty, the comic will have to wait until my brother decides he's ready to move down to where I am, as trying to create anything even minorly worth reading at this point would be like trying to wade through hip-deep molasses for 50 miles just to pick flowers. It would be an exercise in ultimate futility. As for the templates, I'll get to them when I'm good and ready. The more I look at this theme, the more I want something new up here, but currently I have little or no inspiration.

On the plus side, Portland has the most wonderful festival this weekend, named Wordstock. Many authors, free panels, probably signings. Kind of like a convention, but without the greasy nerds (which is sometimes fun, as the grease lights on fire easily, but the cleanup is a killer).


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

The American Final Fantasy: Advent Children Page

Is up! There's virtually nothing there, but it's up!

It's right here!

Hell yeah!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Of Cons and Things

I went to Norwescon. I found out how bad hotels screw you. I had fun and met Todd Lockwood, Michael Whelan, and a few other cool illustrators.

Somehow, I happend to have missed the memo, but it appears my other web half has run off to Disneyland. Or not.

My wife recently got anime. This was A) for her birthday B)4 fricking series and C) enough to occupy her for long enough to allow me to visit with the whole 3 people who may or may not ever see what I have written here.

So, that's it for now. Oh except this. Please leave comments here as to the color scheme, and general "look" you would like this site's default template to have.

Thanks again!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Blow me.

dick. i fixed it.


Saturday, March 19, 2005

Allergies Suck, and other Pertinent Information

The pollen has gotten to me so bad that I had to take Allergy stuff. Kind of like Cough syrup, only not.

On news of this site, I hope to have a basic template (no this is no the basic one) and a few themed ones up by about May. With any luck, the Comic will also be up around that time. Hence, if you currently come here to laugh at Davey Whit's inability to html code without raping it, there will be something else for you to visist our site for.

I'm thinking of using the old Tag-line for the basic template, just so you can all follow my train of though. Either that, or I'll use the one my wife and I have been teasing about for days, "Davey Whit Broke Me".


Edit: It turns out it was not allergie but a butt-kicking cold. I have been down in bed for the last 2 days because of it. Thought you would all really care to know.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

WE ARE EVIL...!!!!

This site is certified 99% EVIL by the Gematriculator

I Break Things.

Have a website? Need it fucked up? Put me in charge!! Some how i managed to totally fuck this page up over the last 2-3 days. It's all fixed now tho. No need to panic people! I'm a big boy now!

Saturday, March 05, 2005


I stayed up until 6 a.m. making the sidebar links work. Now your job is to make the links in the Links page work. They currently open up in our little windowframe, leaving our site navigational tools (aka the header and the sidebar) up around the site we link to (click on the PA link, you'll get the idea). Your mission, should you choose to accept it, it to discover the means to make these links appear in the full net window.

Transmission Terminated.

This Tape will self-destruct in five seconds. . . ~ Mission Impossible

Just a Note to Sitebuilders . . .

Normally, using Neon Fricking Green would be cause for worry. many people find it offensive, irratating, even harsh. However, since our current theme is "Predator", and the Preds bleed neon green, the font is green. My settings for contrast and brightness are up around the 80s and 90s, so if it hurts your eyes, turn your contrast settings down for christ's sake.


My eyes! Ze goggles, zey do nothing! ~ Radioactive Man

Yay For Me!

I made the site all pretty. You may all love me now! Dave did the other stuff, aka the HTML, though if he needs any future help, or if he falls ill and I must tend to the site never fear, I can HTML as good as the next guy.

Yes this is only the first of many themes. Predator! God what a great creature. Not just a killing machine but a hunter too. A real man's man kind of hunter. I need that camo thing that guy has.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Shot down...

So my beautiful banner and sidebar, made in the wonderfully useful MS Paint, was not good enough to be used i guess. So instead Kruppkake whipped up this nifty little theme we have instead. I'm quite torn as to which was the finer achievement....

Busy night

We've been a bit busy tonight... ditched the old blogger template for this work of art you see before you! woohoo!!!

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Can u see it now?

There you should be able to get into everything now. Sorry bout that I thought I had already enabled that for you.

Saturday, February 26, 2005


when your on the post screen go to the template tab and then you should be able to view the source there. its all CSS i think. i dont know how any of that stuff works. I'm just here to talk shit and fucking swear.

What Can I Say (Pt 2) . . .

And this is proof of that fact. Double fricking entry. Damn microsoft and their damn efficiency.

Oh, and Dave, you want me to fix the front page. Tell me how to do it with this new setup.

Also, dork stuff. I will be going to Norwescon, if anyone cares. I'm not famous or anything (yet), but it's the best con I can find (so far) in the Northwest.

What Can I Say . . .

Technology buggers you. Without lube.

I laugh at you now, Dave.

Friday, February 25, 2005

At least they let you sign in.....

That's more than I've been able to do with Sprint DSL for the last week. And then I finally get it fixed, but only 1 of the computers can get online. So now i have to do something with the router thingy to get the other 2 computers on. Bastards. I never had any kinds of problems when i had Cox Cable internet. But their service "is not yet available in your area." Welcome to the 21st fucking century.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


For the helluvit. I kinda like MSN's new style of page upon signing in. But it iratates me in other ways. Like loading time.

Also, I am working with two different people on video games! We are only in discussion stages over what the art will look like/need to be (my forte), but if and when I can say anything more here, I will.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

So, about this template . . .

Heya. I'm the guy who's supposed to fiddle with this basic template. That is, when Dave frickin' tells me where the original template is that I'm going to be working off of. Any work I did on the old format won't work on this new template, so he better tell me where to find this stuff.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

One more.

OK I know I said that was the last post for the night, but after I posted I found a link to Tom Green's recent Tonight Show appearances. This is typical Tom Green humor, without the dead carcasses, cow utters, and naked lesbian murals. Check out the clips, and while you're there, take a peek at the Kevin Smith interviews. Good stuff.

God damn, I'm on a roll..!!

Have you noticed that when I do get around to posting, I always post a bunch in a row? Then disappear for six months. Anyways. About 6 years ago or so, late-1998, I had 2 people in my life who i loved dearly. I would've gladly died for these two individuals. Britney Spears and Tom Green. Jesus Christ, was I pathetic or what? Well not as pathetic as the nose dives both of their careers took HAHAHHHAA.... ha... ha... uhm.. yeah. Anyways, Tom Green has a blog over at his page. And he updates it fairly often. Just check it out. No matter what direction his career took, the guy's fuckin funny. And I still have a crush on him.

Sick. Again.

What great timing my body has. My last weekend in Japan, and a 3day weekend at that, and i break out in a fever. The place I've been working is like a disease factory. Half the guys I know there have been out sick at least one day since I've been here. They all run around in their SARS masks all day, but they apparently don't work too well. I was supposed to go out and play with the other kids last night, but ended up home in bed instead. Oh well. Just as well seeing as how I had plans to go out being a tourist today. I went to some big aquarium place called Sea Paradise. Pretty cool stuff. I watched some dolphins fuck. It was... odd. Then got pictures of a couple more of them swimming around with their dicks hanging out. Don't you wish you were me?

Where I be, yo.

Where am I at you might be wondering? Or maybe you're not. Fuck you either way. I'm sitting in a dormitory room in the outskirts of Tokyo, Japan. To be more specific i'm sitting on the shitter, in a dormitory room in the outskirts of Tokyo, Japan. I've been here about a month now. In Japan that is, not on the shitter. Why? For work, but who cares about that. And I finally get to go home in like 4 days!! YAY!!! It's not that bad of a place really. It'd be way cooler to be here on vacation, or even be here for work with another American. But as it is, i'm pretty much alone. There are a few people who I know here, and who speak ok english, but it's still hard being somewhere totally foreign. The point of this post? I don't fucking know. It's not like anyones reading anyways. They do have good ass cheeseburgers at the McDonalds here.


wOOOOO....!!!! First post of the new year!!! wOohOO!! And the year is only......six....weeks....old....ooops. Hmm, right on schedule actually! Ok well THIS year, for real this time, will be totally different!
Reason Number 1-- The front page is now powered by blogger.com and its a helluva lot easier to update it that way. I've actually had an account at blogger.com for almost a year. It just took me a year to get around to spending the 10 minutes it takes to learn how to use it.
Reason number 2-- I've accepted the fact that I just don't have the motivation, devotion, whatever you wanna call it, to do this alone. So I've invited a few old friends to come on board and talk shit with me. So with luck they will start posting on here anyday now.
Some more changes worth nothing:
-There is now a comment section available under each blog entry. If you are actually reading this, please take 2 minutes to let me know! You don't have to register or anything, just fill out the form and click the button. (At least I assume thats how it works, I haven't actually tried it...).
-With the addition of the comments sections, that means the old message board is officially dead. OK I know what you're thinking.... "It's been fucking dead for over a year, dumbass"... but whatever i was keeping hope alive and I gave you all (all what.. 3 of you..??) the opportunity to keep it alive. Just because you bitches chose to give up on it doesnt mean i did!!! So NOW it's dead, but only cuz i said so.
-The look. Yes this is a generic blogger.com template. It will not stay this way very long. Some slacker was supposed to be helping me freshen the look up, but he's got some sob story about being busy with school and all... WAAAHHHH..!! You pussy. Quit school.