Monday, September 19, 2005

I Come Back to You Now, At the Turn of the Tide. . .

So the second comic is up, I hope that you enjoy it and if not you can do one of two things. 1. Go fuck yourself 2. Wait, we're still new at this and are bound to get even better with time, now if you do enjoy it, thank you I already know that I am a god. So, on to bigger and better amusements if anyone enjoys movies that reads this page it may behoove you to go here looks pretty damn awesome in my oh so humble opinion. Let me see, what else can I talk to my adoring public about, how about my own very humble music project and it's current progress. The name being of course Salmon Carcass, and it's intention being to mock brutal death metal music completely and utterly. I currently have 3 songs written lyrically and intend to use a music program that has recently been made available to me to write corresponding songs. Past that I have 3 or 4 more songs to write completely and then all I have to do is get some other instrumentalists to assist me. I may comment on the progress of this little known project of mine at later times so stay tuned. Oh, and just for Dave Whitaker's sake, you still owe me a twinking axe, boy.

Griper hård på en mäktig hammar.
Ut för svaga kristna blod.

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