Saturday, November 19, 2005

Harry Potter

OOoo yay! My mobile posting worked! Well kinda. It actually posted twice AND save a copy as a draft. But whatever, now whenever I have a post worthy thought I know I can just whip out my phone and post away!! So went and saw Harry Potter last night. It was good. I don't know if I'd say it was the best yet, but it was good. Parts of it just felt to me like they had cut a little too much out of it and jumped from scene to scene a little too quickly. If you haven't read the book (which you really should have done if you consider yourself geeky enough to even be on this site) then you probably won't notice anything missing. My only real concern with the movie is that it's a little TOO dark visually in a couple of spots, and made it a bit confusing as to who was who. There were also a few points where i didnt feel the sound quality was all that great and had some difficulty understanding what was being said. Oh and for some reason my theatre didn't show the fucking Superman trailer. Now THAT pissed me off.

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