Sunday, December 11, 2005

A little comic downtime

As you may have noticed the comic has not been updated for some time now, well no worries we are still vigilantly working on it. However as with anything new my brother and I are trying to work out some of the kinks in the making/updating system that will allow everyone to have more OOC more often (I.E not every two weeks or so as is common now). So hang tight and I apologize for the lack of updates currently, especially to those of you who count on our comic for your weekly dose of "the funnies".

In other news (yes this will be a long post) WE HAVE A FORUM you see that link up there that says forum? That isn't just for show, so come and sign up, find your place amidst the flock of geeks that currently inhabit the boards you'll be happier for doing so (I sort of guarantee it . . . sort of).

So in other happy news both my brother and I will be uncles in about 7 months or so and even though I despise children with every bit of my deuterium core I am finding myself "stoked" at the prospect. Although I can't help worrying for my future niece/nephew, knowing who my sister is I am just sure that her children will end up looking like this and if I have a niece the female counterpart of this picture. As a disclaimer (mainly for my own safety as soon as my sister sees this) I think that she will do a wonderful job being a mother, and my brother-in law will do a fantastic job being a father so I'm sure that my little niece/nephew has their future secure (but seriously did you see that picture? I mean dude, come on)

So I think that is enough of an update for now, and being that I just found my screenname and password again I will try to post here a little more often, so for now take it easy.

Ty himmelen förblir svart och röd,
ur askan och elden
Stiger vi än en gång fram,
vi från de svarta bergen

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