Sunday, February 13, 2005


wOOOOO....!!!! First post of the new year!!! wOohOO!! And the year is only......six....weeks....old....ooops. Hmm, right on schedule actually! Ok well THIS year, for real this time, will be totally different!
Reason Number 1-- The front page is now powered by and its a helluva lot easier to update it that way. I've actually had an account at for almost a year. It just took me a year to get around to spending the 10 minutes it takes to learn how to use it.
Reason number 2-- I've accepted the fact that I just don't have the motivation, devotion, whatever you wanna call it, to do this alone. So I've invited a few old friends to come on board and talk shit with me. So with luck they will start posting on here anyday now.
Some more changes worth nothing:
-There is now a comment section available under each blog entry. If you are actually reading this, please take 2 minutes to let me know! You don't have to register or anything, just fill out the form and click the button. (At least I assume thats how it works, I haven't actually tried it...).
-With the addition of the comments sections, that means the old message board is officially dead. OK I know what you're thinking.... "It's been fucking dead for over a year, dumbass"... but whatever i was keeping hope alive and I gave you all (all what.. 3 of you..??) the opportunity to keep it alive. Just because you bitches chose to give up on it doesnt mean i did!!! So NOW it's dead, but only cuz i said so.
-The look. Yes this is a generic template. It will not stay this way very long. Some slacker was supposed to be helping me freshen the look up, but he's got some sob story about being busy with school and all... WAAAHHHH..!! You pussy. Quit school.

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