Saturday, July 30, 2005

Not on WoW ALL the time....

Just every waking moment that i'm not working. On my second day of playing, my 'main' server crashed. So I was forced to start a second character on another server. And then Devon told me he had started a second character on yet another server. So I joined him there as well. So now I have 3 character that i'm juggling, with plans for at least one more on my main server. So far I've only dipped into the alliance side of things. I'll stick with that for a while before I go 'Horde'.
OK time to go. I've got wolves to kill and skin!

Monday, July 25, 2005

David' Mature Response to Dave's New Addiction.


(Also, Dave, if you read this, we must talk of website things. Format, etc. Which means you have to not be on WoW all the time. We also might use a review of the game in our reviews section.)

Sunday, July 24, 2005


Once again I have found myself drawn into the vicious world of the Fantasy MMORPG. It's been over a year and a half since I cancelled my accounts for Everquest, Dark Age of Camelot, Final Fantasy, Sims Online, and Star Wars Galaxies. My soul thanked me. Since then I eagerly signed up for, and still play semi-regularly, City of Heroes. Since it's a superhero game, and superheroes would fuck up dwarves and elves anyday, it's okay for me to play it. I also bought Guild Wars, but it doesnt have a monthly fee, so it doesnt count. =) But today is a dark day. The temptation has been gnawing at me stronger and stronger. I've passed it in stores. Read reviews of it online. Even checked out it's official forums once or twice. Or twenty. Then while watching a 'Cheat!' marathon on G4TV, I finally snapped. I called up Devon to confide what was eating my soul alive. Then he confided back that he was watching the same thing. And the same evil was flowing through his veins. And so it was done. We now play World of Warcraft. May God have mercy.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Gaming News

--Well the mainstream world has finally discovered "Hot Coffee". The GTA:San Andreas minigame was discovered very shortly after the release of the PC version of the game and immediately after that found accessable in the PS2 and XBOX versions.Thanks Rockstar. Now we aren't only nerds, we're desparate nerds who need a Game Shark to get laid.
--PSP firmware version 2.0 will be out very soon. This will add an offical web browser as well as even more anti-homebrew security measures. Fuck you Sony. I'll stick with my PSP 1.5 and the hundreds of NES/SNES games I have on it. Hmm and whats this I hear? The PSX/PSOne emulator is coming along rather quickly? Test games are already working on it? Ahh yes, now we can fuck Sony back.
--A WHITE PSP??? But it only comes with version 2.0 firmware?? Fuck you again Sony.

The Funny

The first strip is done Dave. I intend on having 3 more done before I mess with uploading them. That way I have a cushion of time to continue making them, since the current idea is to update every week. If you would be so kind as to create a navigation menu (first, previous, next, last) in html, or find a navigation that strikes your fancy, I'll get making with the pretty buttons for it.

Guess what word I'm thinking about, and it's not kitty.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Oh for fuck's sake! My humble little corner of heaven is being invaded by Kruppkake's!!! AHHHHH Whats next!??! Mrs. Kruppkake chiming in here soon?? Hmmm that might not be so bad. Might bring a sense of order to this place. After all she does wear the pants in that house... HAHAHA.. Anywho... Damn boy you use some big words there. My head hurts now... Where the hell are the funny pictures at?!?!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Hello there.

Hello all, I am David's brother and I am also in charge of "producing the funny" as it were for the web comic. I will regularly be posting to coincide with the release of each web comic so that I can blither on about the reasoning behind any one comic. I will also try and post about things that interest me or music of some sort if I see fit to do so. This is all I realy can do seeing as how I am fairly well inept regarding html and other computer related scheise. So to put it succinctly you will be hearing (or reading rather) more from me in the future.

Vi som har det iskalla trollblodet!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

More New Stuff

The "Links" page is updated. People with a resolution of lower than 1024 x 768 can now see the site easier with a link that shows up at the bottom of the blog page. Also, there have been some changes in the code that you will see, only not. :)

Now I shall go back to the comic work.


Friday, July 15, 2005

Looks good.

Holy shit!!! THREE updates in one week!! The site changes looks great, as always. A couple of dead links, but nothing that can't be easily fixed. My only concern is the 'disclaimer' leading to your art page. Why on earth are you apologizing for some artistic nudity? Hell, we should change the banner to reflect it! HONKYDORKY.COM--NOW WITH BEWBIES!!!! If that doesnt get us some traffic, nothing will!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Tada! A New Template!

This is the base template for the site. It is the site as it has been waiting to be created for a while now. Now all that remains is the comic, and possibly some room for banners for adds. Welcome to the new site!

A note to Dave: we might try to get a forum. I have left room for a forum button on the navigation. Tell me what you can do!

You! You're working for them aren't you? I'll give you anything you want! Money, Women. . . Men?

Sunday, July 10, 2005


Ok so I saw Fantasic 4, one of two movies I was really looking forward to this summer (the other being Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, coming out this week). What a fucking letdown. This is no Spidey flick, true believers. But, thankfully it's not another Daredevil either. And of course, the movie I didnt want to see, Batman, has gotten nothing but rave reviews. I'll try to go and see for myself in the next week or so.

Friday, July 01, 2005


Now I just need to know how you did it so I don't fuck it up once I update the sidebar (this weekend).

Also, the comic is going along well. once we have 4 or 5 full strips done, I will post up the first one. It will be once a week until I figure out just how much of a drain on time it will be.

Stay tuned!

You two, fight to the death!