Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Blow me.

dick. i fixed it.


Saturday, March 19, 2005

Allergies Suck, and other Pertinent Information

The pollen has gotten to me so bad that I had to take Allergy stuff. Kind of like Cough syrup, only not.

On news of this site, I hope to have a basic template (no this is no the basic one) and a few themed ones up by about May. With any luck, the Comic will also be up around that time. Hence, if you currently come here to laugh at Davey Whit's inability to html code without raping it, there will be something else for you to visist our site for.

I'm thinking of using the old Tag-line for the basic template, just so you can all follow my train of though. Either that, or I'll use the one my wife and I have been teasing about for days, "Davey Whit Broke Me".


Edit: It turns out it was not allergie but a butt-kicking cold. I have been down in bed for the last 2 days because of it. Thought you would all really care to know.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

WE ARE EVIL...!!!!

This site is certified 99% EVIL by the Gematriculator

I Break Things.

Have a website? Need it fucked up? Put me in charge!! Some how i managed to totally fuck this page up over the last 2-3 days. It's all fixed now tho. No need to panic people! I'm a big boy now!

Saturday, March 05, 2005


I stayed up until 6 a.m. making the sidebar links work. Now your job is to make the links in the Links page work. They currently open up in our little windowframe, leaving our site navigational tools (aka the header and the sidebar) up around the site we link to (click on the PA link, you'll get the idea). Your mission, should you choose to accept it, it to discover the means to make these links appear in the full net window.

Transmission Terminated.

This Tape will self-destruct in five seconds. . . ~ Mission Impossible

Just a Note to Sitebuilders . . .

Normally, using Neon Fricking Green would be cause for worry. many people find it offensive, irratating, even harsh. However, since our current theme is "Predator", and the Preds bleed neon green, the font is green. My settings for contrast and brightness are up around the 80s and 90s, so if it hurts your eyes, turn your contrast settings down for christ's sake.


My eyes! Ze goggles, zey do nothing! ~ Radioactive Man

Yay For Me!

I made the site all pretty. You may all love me now! Dave did the other stuff, aka the HTML, though if he needs any future help, or if he falls ill and I must tend to the site never fear, I can HTML as good as the next guy.

Yes this is only the first of many themes. Predator! God what a great creature. Not just a killing machine but a hunter too. A real man's man kind of hunter. I need that camo thing that guy has.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Shot down...

So my beautiful banner and sidebar, made in the wonderfully useful MS Paint, was not good enough to be used i guess. So instead Kruppkake whipped up this nifty little theme we have instead. I'm quite torn as to which was the finer achievement....

Busy night

We've been a bit busy tonight... ditched the old blogger template for this work of art you see before you! woohoo!!!