Sunday, March 26, 2006


So, I went to Sakuracon, an anime convention in Seattle. It was this past weekend. I must say that when you go to a convention intended for an animation type specific to another country, you tend not to attend these things with the intention of seeing something from your own country. Like say how I went to this convention with my wife and friends with the specific intention of meeting up with and buying things from the Penny Arcade guys Mike and Jerry (known to fandom at large as Gabe and Tycho, respectively). Since I met and knew Mike through Dave (the user named honkydorky, or to you WoW guildies Davwhi), I like to go say hi whenever possible, since they're nice guys and I like their comic and they feel my pain about having lived in Spokane, WA. What I was not counting on is the entertaining pair that I got to witness. You see, the oportunity to actually kibitz with these two had only really arisen (arose? ariseded? whatever.)once or twice really, including this time. This, compounded with Mike's earnest declaration of loving yuri (google it, I dare you) made the event so much more worth going than I had figured it would be.

The friends I went with were a costumer (mainly a cosplayer) and her husband, an engineer guy from Intel (you know, one of those techy engineering guys), and we met up with some of his old pals who really kicked my ass at a game of Kung Fu Samurai on Giant Robot Island.

Well, not much else to tell, really. When the frontpage is ready to make the move to a new format, we'll tell ya. Until then , we'll keep bringing you our boring, non-regular updates.

Apparently, $60 is not enough money to spend on lesbian anime porn.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Speaking of April....

April is also the 4th anniversary of this website. Not sure of the exact date i think its the 8th or thereabouts. 4 years of blabbering about absofuckinglutely nothing. Gotta love the power of the internet.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

No More School, No More Books . . . . .

So, this quarter is over and now it's on to Spring Break! I'm still workingon the workover for the site, but at least I took our lights down. April is seen by many people as a time of change, and this April will see a new fronpage for this site, a revitalization of the comic Out oF Character, and possibly a new look for the forum. We're going to try and bring this beast back to life, and to do that, we're going to need a bit of help, so I'm going to ask for some british help.

Until then, hang out.

I'm Pierre, the only french bum in New York, when I open my Boones Farm I still sniff the cork . . .