Thursday, April 28, 2005

A Brand New Look

I have given the site yet another work of my art! The sidebar buttons are spiffy even.

Speaking of spiffy and art, I may put up some of my art here, if Davey lets me. Tell us what you think (all 3 of you). Should I use this as a place to whore my art?

Monday, April 25, 2005

Wordstock Was A Bust

And not the kind you are all thinking of, sickos.

We met a nice author that my wife has met before. Other than that, nothing good to report, at least for the first year of this event.

I guess greasy nerds just make events better.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

A General Lack of Efficiency

IF you visit this little slice of heaven, you may noticed that we don't do a whole heck of a lot here. That is because, as web space goes, this site is still in it's infancy. Once this place gets up and moving, we'll be in business. But unfortunalty, the comic will have to wait until my brother decides he's ready to move down to where I am, as trying to create anything even minorly worth reading at this point would be like trying to wade through hip-deep molasses for 50 miles just to pick flowers. It would be an exercise in ultimate futility. As for the templates, I'll get to them when I'm good and ready. The more I look at this theme, the more I want something new up here, but currently I have little or no inspiration.

On the plus side, Portland has the most wonderful festival this weekend, named Wordstock. Many authors, free panels, probably signings. Kind of like a convention, but without the greasy nerds (which is sometimes fun, as the grease lights on fire easily, but the cleanup is a killer).


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

The American Final Fantasy: Advent Children Page

Is up! There's virtually nothing there, but it's up!

It's right here!

Hell yeah!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Of Cons and Things

I went to Norwescon. I found out how bad hotels screw you. I had fun and met Todd Lockwood, Michael Whelan, and a few other cool illustrators.

Somehow, I happend to have missed the memo, but it appears my other web half has run off to Disneyland. Or not.

My wife recently got anime. This was A) for her birthday B)4 fricking series and C) enough to occupy her for long enough to allow me to visit with the whole 3 people who may or may not ever see what I have written here.

So, that's it for now. Oh except this. Please leave comments here as to the color scheme, and general "look" you would like this site's default template to have.

Thanks again!