Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ground Control To Major Tom

So, what happens when you gloat about increasing posting?

If you guessed that you loose your internet connection for the better part of two months, you guessed right.

This is just to say that I am back. And that I'm formulating a post that outlines some guidelines for approaching the internets. Common sense rules, if you will.

It'll be fun to see how it goes.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What does it say . . .

When you do well on a job test and yet you start looking for a new place to work before they've even hired you?

Not good things, I'd imagine.

Also, what does it say that I've managed to update all of twice in the past two months? That's right, we've increased our posting!

Which might be considered sad by some, me I see it as increasing our output.

Edit: I didn't get the job anyway. I didn't "fill their needs". :Þ

Thursday, February 04, 2010

All Quiet on

the HD front. I am helping make a game system, but can't really divulge anything since there is this magical thing called an NDA that stops my fingers from typing when I say anything it covers. I have very little else to say other than if anyone actually reads this, and has work for an artist fresh out of school with a BA, let me know.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


www.honkydorky.com now redirects you back to this blog.
'nuff said.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Honey I'm home!!

Ahh home again. But I have no permissions or access to anything. WTF.

Working at Playing, Playing at Working?

While I have heard that 4th edition Dungeons and Dragons is quite easy to run as a DM with very little effort, the truth for me is that I have at least until I get a job to piece everything together, so I have been filling the time over-preparing what I'm going to run. At the point that I'm going to play this, I'll have so much stuff that I know will never be used, but that's fine with me.

I'm still looking for a job, and I was told yesterday that I should work in a book store. Not that I really think this is a stroke of genius from afar, but I'm going to apply to all the bookstores I can in the area within the next few days, just in case it is.

And we still haven't found a place, not really. :\

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Just When I Thought It Had Died . . .

Here HonkyDorky arises again from the grave. I have yet to decide if it's more reminiscent of a Zombie or a Pheonix but in either case what had died has now been reborn (apparently). Considering all of two people read this blog I don't see much point in posting here but really what else do I have to do with my time right now?

Oh and Dave, you should get the comic going again . . . just saying.

As a final note in this rambling post, Disney just bought Marvel what do all of you out there in internet land think of this turn of events?

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Moving . . . Again

Why, one might ask? well, if anyone looked at this thing, anyway. The answer is that I got a great job and am set for life.

Now that I'm done lying, it's my wife that got a job, and while the environment is better, the pay is not, and thus I am searching for a work and a domicile. This, after not being able to pay for my last class, and not sure if they will even let me re-apply right now with my balance that I have on my account.

So yeah, life is going peachy, you non-existent fans of my non-life.